SAFETY FIRST We're taking extra measures to ensure your children are safe in our nursery. Learn More
About Us
Your Child Is in Great Hands

At Rehoboth daycare we believe each is unique and capable of becoming what God wants them to be. As an educator and a role model for our young ones, it is important they are brought up to know who they are in Christ.. we recognize that children are, from birth, creatures of multiple intelligences: observing, listening, absorbing, and classifying information in many diverse ways. At the same time, they are also absorbing the values and culture of family and community. By the time a child is approaching the third year of life, the experiences offered by preschool can serve as enrichment, and as a safe introduction to a larger, loving and caring community. It is the philosophy of Rehoboth daycare to appreciate and nurture each child, while recognizing his or her own unique personality, learning style, and potential. Each student in our program is encouraged to develop a strong sense of his or her own individuals and as members of a group. Furthermore, we address the needs of the whole child by providing not only a strong base of academic preparation, but also the enhancement of body and spirit, through our fine arts and physical education curriculum, It is our hope and belief that graduates of Rehoboth daycare will take their places in future classrooms with joy, confidence, and a true appreciation of and respect for themselves, for others, and for the process of learning.
Health & Safety
We take Health and Safety very seriously. Children are very delicate and special. That is why we go the extra mile to make sure that your children are safe, protected and healthy when in our care.
Our premises are well kept and we ensure safe and eco-friendly disinfecting for the safety of the children. The external conditions and what goes into your child is paramount. We pay keen attention to this.
You child is in safe hands. We are Rehoboth Daycare.

Uniform Policy
Rehoboth Daycare has uniforms available for all infants and children under our care. Our uniforms are good quality and will save you a lot of time getting your kids ready and a lot of money having the right wardrobe.
Infants and children are required to wear appropriate footwear during their time at Rehoboth Daycare.